The Texas Chemical Council’s Distinguished Safety Award is presented to those member companies in each category that have met minimum participation requirements and have demonstrated improvement in their injury and illness incident rate for 2020 when compared to the previous three years. Division representatives who received the award on behalf of Formosa Plastics Corporation, Texas were Shane Burgin – EHS, Aaron Jeson – Olefins, I. S. Hwang – Polyolefins, Rick Crabtree – General Manager, Mark Tibiletti – Chlor-Alkali, C. P. Liu – Vinyl, and Chuntau Den – Maintenance. “As a site, we are proud of this award and extend congratulations to all FPC TX employees for their focused approach to working safely each and every day; and especially for watching out for the safety of others as their Brother's Keeper." – Rick Crabtree, VP/General Manager FPC TX.